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[iito] Business Intelligence. (11/11/19). "Press Release: [iito] Launches Transatlantic Life Sciences Business Portal at BIO-Europe". Bremen & Hamburg.

Organisation Organisation [iito] Business Intelligence
Products Product – [LSUS] The Transatlantic Life Sciences Web Portal
  Product 2 BIO-Europe 2019 Hamburg
Person Person Lippold, Marcus ([iito] Business Intelligence 2002–)

> [LSUS] Launches Today

> Over 50,000 Hand-edited Pages Available for Free

> Focus on News Involving Players from Europe & North America

> No Content Marketing, No Personalised Tracking & No Mailings

> New Demo Version of Asian Life Sciences Portal also Available

[iito] Business Intelligence – a Germany-based business intelligence provider focussed on the life sciences industry – proudly announces the official launch of [LSUS] at the BIO-Europe in Hamburg.

[LSUS] is a free web portal for worldwide decision makers in the life sciences industry, who are interested in transatlantic business news. Although the life sciences industry has always been an international one, nowadays there are more deals – collaborations, acquisitions or financings – that involve players from both sides of the Atlantic than ever before. launches with a critical mass of content. Overall the new web portal features more than 50,000 hand-picked and manually-edited data entries. These data sets include more than 12,000 news, 9,000 persons, 6,600 deals and 12,500 organisations, among others. All data selection and entry is done by real persons in Germany; no AI. Access to [LSUS] on the web is free, and result lists include 100 entries per page and can be sorted.

As [iito] is very much aware that the Amercian life science business news market is in general more advanced and better-served than the European one – with top-tier offerings like BioCentury, Endpoints, FierceBiotech, BioSpace, GenomeWeb and others – [LSUS] will focus on news that involve actors from both sides of the Atlantic. With regard to this transatlantic focus, we think that our offering is already second to none. However, apart from this specialisation, for the first time [iito] now also covers news that involve exclusively North Amercian players and we plan to expand this coverage in the future. News about European organisations only, will continue to be exclusively featured at our European business portals.

Apart from this topical focus, [LSUS] will set itself apart, by sticking to the unique business model of [iito], which includes
> no-pay-to-play policy (i.e., no content marketing)
> no personalised tracking (no tracking cookies and no third party cookies used)
> no mailings
> no sale of user data
> no SEO
> no own editorial articles (our editing process comprises news selection and indexing only)

[iito] furthermore intends to continue the extention of its coverage globally beyond the European, Israeli and North American life sciences and today releases also an updated demo version of its Asian life science business portal at An official launch of [LSA] is planned for 2021, with [iito] already being open for discussions, partnerships and comments on this new project.

Marcus Lippold, Head of [iito] Business Intelligence, comments:

»As many people would agree that transatlantic business networks, relations and transactions are more important than ever these days, nobody would expect a European player to enter the North Amercian market with a digital business model that goes against everything that is en vogue today in online marketing. We don’t sell editorial coverage or allow content marketing, we are totally no-pay-to-play. We do not know who uses our web portals, we don’t even care. It is none of our business. Indeed, we do not even know who opens or clicks in our newsletters. There are no personlised links included, not even to think of little tracking pixels that the reader can’t see. We don’t like to treat people like that.«

»People tend to forget – although everybody is talking about it and everybody should know – that there is no free lunch. Today in “free” offerings the users are paying with their data and we believe that they and society in general are paying dearly.«

»At [iito] portals users are only paying by looking at banner ads. Indeed, nobody can even enter any personal data at our web portal, and you can’t like [iito] pages at FB, Twitter, LinkedIn or whatsoever, as there is no (sic!) third party software running. No GoogleAnalytics, simply nothing, just a PHP session cookie. No private data means no privacy issues. Perfect. Period. The advertiser is paying for banner ads, and the banner clicks can be tracked by the advertisor with GoogleAnalytics or something else. But the tracked user will start without a “personal identity“ the moment she leaves our web portal (our server), as we do not have any personal, private information on file on our server about the individual user.«

»But how can an advertising customer be sure to show its banner ads to the right people? Well, a php user session at [iito] web portals lasts on average (sic!) three minutes. Who would stay that long on a web portal with life science business news only? Only the right visitors!«

### ENDS ###

About [iito] Business Intelligence and

[iito] Business Intelligence is a German business information services provider, focused on the European and North American life sciences and the worldwide analytical industry. offers manually curated, systematically edited information for business development purposes since 2002. You can find and evaluate customers, suppliers, financing partners, and competitors in a quick and intelligent way. All content is organised hierarchically and multiple powerful search options are available. Index terms include complex keywords for deals and transactions. The offering includes a customised version, that includes the tracking of organisations (e.g., partners, key accounts, competitors) as well as product groups or regions according to customer specifications.

More information can be found at


[iito] Business Intelligence

Mr. Marcus LIPPOLD

Winterstr. 44

28215 Bremen


Phone: + 49 (0) 421-9889-173



Record changed: 2023-06-05


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