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[iito] Business Intelligence. (7/8/19). "Press Release: [iito] Launches &". Bremen.

Organisation Organisation [iito] Business Intelligence
Products Product – [LSBNL] The Benelux Life Sciences Web Portal
  Product 2 – [LSS] The Nordic Life Sciences Web Portal
Person Person Lippold, Marcus ([iito] Business Intelligence 2002–)

> Brings Total of European Life Science Business Portals by [iito] to Six

> & Relaunched in April

> Plans for Expansion of Coverage Beyond Europe

> The »Tragedy of the Commons«, Revisited

[iito] Business Intelligence proudly announces the launch of two new European life science business web portals:

covering the life sciences industry in Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg


[LSS] –
covering the industry in the Northern Countries: Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Iceland

In addition, [iito] announces plans to extend its coverage of the life sciences industry beyond Europe. With its unique approach [iito] will continue to defeat a problem, economists commonly refer to as the »tragedy of the commons«.

Six European Life Science Business Portals by [iito]

As and have already been relaunched in April 2019, the new portals bring the total of European life science business portals by [iito] to six:

[LSE] covering all of Europe plus Israel

[LSG] covering the DACH region

[LSUK] covering the UK & Ireland

[LSF] covering France

[LSBNL] covering the Benelux countries

[LSS] covering the Nordic countries

The Iberian life science portal by [iito], [LSES] –, will not be relaunched at this time.

Plans for Regional Expansion of Coverage Beyond the European Life Sciences

As already announced before, [iito] is in an advanced stage to extend its coverage globally beyond the European and Israeli life sciences.

A beta version of a transatlantic life sciences business portal is already online for some time at The portal is on course for a full, official launch towards the end of the year.

In addition, [iito] has now released online a demo version for a possible, future Asian life science business portal at While this project will not be released officially any time soon, [iito] is open for discussions and comments on this future project.

The »Tragedy of the Commons«, revisited

Marcus Lippold, Head of [iito] Business Intelligence, comments:

»For many years it was obvious that there has been a need for an English-language gateway to the European life sciences industry. An online offering providing worldwide decision makers with high-quality and neutral – i.e., no-pay-to-play – European business news.«

»However, for major US players, the European market mainly remained kind of an afterthought, although this changed a bit in recent months, as many realise the coming of age of the European life sciences. While some regional European efforts have been made directly by, or supported by, governmental actors, so far none has delivered real results on an ongoing basis. The typical case of the so-called »tragedy of the commons«. In addition, some private European companies have offerings online, that provide about one to three business news per working day. For the whole European life sciences industry this really does not come close to a comprehensive coverage.«

»Over the past 15 years [iito] has worked very hard and made a 7-digit Euro investment (without any grants or external capital) to change all this. [iito] has now about 70,000 hand-edited pages online at for free. Over the long term we cover about 160 news per month, i.e., 40 news per week or eight hand-edited news per working day. This is what we call critical mass! In the end, [iito] spent many years and a lot of money to provide a unique product, that – because of the so-called »tragedy of the commons« – the market has not been able to supply. While these have been rough years for [iito] as a company, the underlying logic should make it hard for any other player out there to challenge our offerings, which are now – with regard to the European life sciences – second to none.«

### ENDS ###

About [iito] Business Intelligence and

[iito] Business Intelligence is a German business information services provider, focused on the European and North American life sciences and the worldwide analytical industry. offers manually curated, systematically edited information for business development purposes since 2002. You can find and evaluate customers, suppliers, financing partners, and competitors in a quick and intelligent way. All content is organised hierarchically and multiple powerful search options are available. Index terms include complex keywords for deals and transactions. The offering includes a customised version, that includes the tracking of organisations (e.g., partners, key accounts, competitors) as well as product groups or regions according to customer specifications.

More information can be found at


[iito] Business Intelligence

Marcus Lippold

Winterstr. 44

28215 Bremen


Phone: + 49 (0) 421-9889-173


Record changed: 2023-06-05


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