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Refeyn Ltd.. (5/31/23). "Press Release: Refeyn Announces Vice President of Sales and Marketing".

Organisation Organisation Refeyn Ltd.
  Group Refeyn (Group)
Product Product  analytical instrument
Person Person Davies, Paul (Refeyn 202305– VP Sales + Marketing)

After a wide ranging search, Refeyn is delighted to announce the addition of Paul Davies as Vice President, Sales and Marketing, to strengthen the commercial execution of Refeyn’s growth strategy.

Paul joined the executive management team in May, bringing decades of experience in executing commercial strategies, and leading sales and marketing teams within the scientific instrument industry. Paul commented: “I am delighted to have joined Refeyn at this exhilarating stage of the company’s growth. The wider scientific community has quickly started to acknowledge the impact that mass photometry is bringing to the biopharma and life sciences industry and I am excited to be working with this disruptive technology, making it more widely available across many application areas.”

Paul joined the mass photometry user meeting on May 23rd in Boston, MA. He opened the event with the welcome address and also had the opportunity to interact with many of the enthusiastic mass photometry users attending. He commented: “It was encouraging to see so much excitement around the technology and to participate in the discussions on its current capabilities and future potential”.

Paul Davies

Image: Paul Davies, VP of Sales and Marketing giving a welcome address at the 2nd Mass Photometry user meeting in Boston, MA in May 2023.

Record changed: 2024-01-20


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