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SAFIA Technologies GmbH. (2/15/24). "Press Release: Sysmex Partec and SAFIA Technologies. Pioneering Mycotoxin Analysis". Görlitz & Berlin.

Region Region ALL
Organisation Organisation SAFIA Technologies GmbH
Product Product SAFIA mycotoxin multiplex immunoassay
Index term Index term Sysmex–SAFIA Technologies: mycotoxin immunoassays, 202402– distribution ww of tests for food/agri by Sysmex Partec using SAFIA tech + flow cytometry
Person Person Esther, Michael (Sysmex 202402 President + CEO of Sysmex Partec GmbH)

Sysmex Partec GmbH and SAFIA Technologies GmbH agree on a global distribution partnership for SAFIA’s multiplex immunoassay portfolio.

Sysmex Partec GmbH and SAFIA Technologies GmbH are combining their technologies. Together, they offer a solution for the analysis of mycotoxins for food & beverage as well as agriculture industries based on the SAFIA technology and Sysmex Partec Flowcytometry.

The solution is composed of SAFIA’s simple, fast and cost-effective multiplex immunoassay technology and the Sysmex Partec flow cytometer platform. The companies will from now on offer the complete solution to customers through the global Sysmex Partec distribution network with their known standard for high-quality customer support.

Michael Esther, President & CEO of Sysmex Partec GmbH:
"My team and I are looking forward to the start of a fruitful collaboration. Together with business partners around the world, we will contribute to the safety of food and beverages. We will globally provide producers with fast and effective quality control solutions for safe food and beverages that will benefit many people."

Timm Schwaar, Co-Founder of SAFIA Technologies GmbH:
“Mycotoxins pose a widely underestimated threat in food and beverages. As a young and highly innovative company, we take immense pride in collaborating with an experienced partner like Sysmex Partec to address this significant threat to human health together.”

About Sysmex Partec GmbH

Sysmex Partec industrial FCM business unit is developing complete flow cytometry-based solutions for both, rapid screening and rapid specific detection of e.g. water, food & beverage, and agriculture samples. We offer to our customers a state-of-the-art rapid diagnostic for detection, identification and enumeration of microbiological communities and organisms.

Sysmex Partec GmbH, located in Görlitz, Germany, is a subsidiary of the Sysmex Corporation based in Kobe, Japan. We serve our global distribution network of Sysmex regional headquarters, affiliates, distributors and customers.

For more information, visit

About SAFIA Technologies GmbH

SAFIA Technologies GmbH specializes in the development, production, and distribution of analysis kits based on the innovative SAFIA (suspension array fluorescence immunoassay) technology. This technology allows for a straightforward mix-and-measure immunoassay, enabling rapid analyses of multiple contaminants in a single measurement.

SAFIA Technologies GmbH is located in Berlin, Germany and was founded by Peter Carl and Timm Schwaar as a spin-off from the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM).

For more information, visit

Record changed: 2024-03-14


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