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Plasmion GmbH. (2/21/24). "Press Release: Plasmion and Waters Corporation Sign a Co-marketing and Co-promotion Agreement to Enhance and Simplify Chemical Analysis". Augsburg.

Organisations Organisation Plasmion GmbH
  Group Plasmion (Group)
  Organisation 2 Waters Corporation (NYSE: WAT)
  Group Waters (Group)
Products Product SICRIT® ionisation technology / SICRIT® ion source
  Product 2 ACQUITY QDa Detector
Index term Index term Waters–Plasmion: ionisation technology, 202402– collab co-marketing/promotion of SICRIT ion source with Waters Acquity QDa + Select Series Cycli IMS
Persons Person Wolf, Thomas (Plasmion 202301 CEO + Co-Founder)
  Person 2 Harland, Gary (Waters 201506 Director Mass Spectrometry Product Management)

Companies agree to make Plasmion SICRIT® ion source compatible with Waters ACQUITY™ QDa™ Detector and SELECT SERIES™ Cyclic IMS™ 1 mass spectrometers

Plasmion has announced it has signed a co-marketing and co-promotion agreement with Waters Corporation to enhance analytical technologies used in scientific laboratories and Applied Markets, to help advance human health and well-being.

Through their agreement, the companies have ensured compatibility of Plasmion’s SICRIT ion source with the Waters ACQUITY™ QDa™ Detector and SELECT SERIES™ Cyclic IMS™ mass spectrometers to contribute in advancing research in the Applied Markets and Life Sciences.

Dr. Thomas Wolf, CEO of Plasmion:
„Through our joint activities, we will contribute to advancing research and development, helping scientists make essential analyses significantly simpler, faster, and more secure. Providing simple Plug & Play solutions for Point-of-Need Analytics applications makes scientific technology accessible to a broader audience in the Applied Markets.“

Gary Harland, Senior Director and Portfolio Owner, Discovery and Development, Waters Corporation:
“Combining Plasmion’s SICRIT direct ionization source with Waters mass spectrometry instruments opens many new analytical possibilities for at-point applications. These include process optimization and process monitoring, as well as online direct detection of potential biomarkers in emerging areas of metabolomics. It’s a simple, efficient, and powerful addition to our instruments that offers customers an advanced tool for real-time analysis of chemical components and biomedical samples.”

Plasmion’s innovative and unique ionization technology, SICRIT, enables users to simplify chemical analysis and has the potential to make mass spectrometry more accessible. The unique flow-through ionization technology features analysis with a broader spectrum of analytes, little to no fragmentation, and high sensitivity.

SICRIT can be coupled to Waters instruments such as ACQUITY QDa Detector and SELECT SERIES Cyclic IMS systems and enables users to conduct direct mass spectrometry in a quantitative manner, significantly speeding up analysis processes. Amongst other applications, this also enables the direct analysis of human breath for biomarker discovery. If samples require it, SICRIT also allows coupling with any kind of chromatography (GC, LC, SFC, etc.) to the mass spectrometer, providing customers with ultimate flexibility.

A technical partnership with Waters opens new opportunities for advanced chemical detection in Applied Markets and aims to improve technology for human health and well-being.

1 ACQUITY™ QDa™ Detector and SELECT SERIES™ Cyclic IMS™ are trademarks of Waters Technologies Corporation

About Plasmion

Plasmion, headquartered in Augsburg, Germany, strives to simplify mass spectrometry and bridging from laboratory precision to industrial workflows. After introducing it to the market in 2018, their SICRIT technology not only revolutionizes chemical analysis in the lab, but also makes it possible to use mass spectrometers as automated VOC sensors in industrial environments.

For more information about Plasmion, please refer to Alternatively, please call +49 821 20´71 3355 (GER) or +1 908 864 1551 (US), e-mail:

Record changed: 2024-03-27


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