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Advion Biosciences Inc.
Advion develops, manufactures and globally supports mass spectrometers, chip-based ion sources, microfluidic flow chemistry systems and consumables for life science and related industries. We seek to enhance analysis performance and biochemistry workflows. Using our deep scientific and engineering knowledge of mass spectrometry and microfludics, coupled with decades of personal experience as one of North America's largest bioanalytical LC-MS CROs, we leverage our passionate employee's employees' commitment to create robust, reliable, quality, flexible and fit-for-purpose solutions. *
Start | 2001-03-01 renamed | |
Group | Bohui (Group) | |
Predecessor | Advanced BioAnalytical Services Inc. | |
Industry | BIOTECH | |
Region | Ithaca, NY | |
Country | United States (USA) | |
Street | 19 Brown Road | |
City | 14850 Ithaca, NY | |
Tel | +1-607-266-0665 | |
Address record changed: 2024-01-05 | ||
Basic data | Employees | n. a. |
* Document for »About Section«: | ||
Record changed: 2023-07-10 |
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