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Organisation › Details

Aston University (Birmingham, GB)

Founded in 1895 and a University since 1966, Aston is a long established university led by its three main beneficiaries – students, business and the professions, and our region and society. Aston University is located in Birmingham and at the heart of a vibrant city and the campus houses all the university’s academic, social and accommodation facilities for our students. Professor Alec Cameron is the Vice Chancellor & Chief Executive. *


Period Start 1895-01-01 established pred
Products Industry science
  Industry 2 education & social services
Region Region Birmingham, West Midlands
  Country United Kingdom (GB)
  City B4 7ET Birmingham
  Tel +44-121-204-3000
    Address record changed: 2024-01-05
Basic data Employees n. a.
    * Document for »About Section«: Waters Corporation. (11/7/19). "Press Release: World’s First Cyclic IMS Mass Spectrometer Installed at Aston University". Milford, MA.
Record changed: 2019-12-03


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More documents for Aston University (Birmingham, GB)

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