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Clinical Metabolomics Inc. (ClinMet Inc.)

ClinMet, founded in 2011, is a privately held company based in San Diego, CA that provides pharmaceutical companies with clinically relevant insights and actionable information about drug efficacy, safety and mechanism of action using its proprietary urine metabolomics biomarker platform for diabetes, kidney disease, obesity and cardiovascular disease. ClinMet applies its unique combination of in-depth clinical insights, proprietary metabolomics expertise, and computational know-how to improve the speed and success rate of drug development. The company helps drug developers to efficiently transform promising compounds into safe and effective medicines and to effectively develop and implement their companion diagnostics strategy. ClinMet's technology and clinical expertise is based on the research legacy of William Nyhan, M.D., Ph.D., founding head of the Biochemical Genetics and Metabolomics Laboratory and the founding Chairman of the Department of Pediatrics at UC San Diego. Dr. Nyhan, one of the founding fathers of the field of Human Metabolic Diseases, and his team have developed many of the gold standard diagnostic methods of mass spectrometry and metabolomic analysis that are used by centers of excellence in human genetics and metabolism around the world. Moreover, ClinMet scientific founder, Kumar Sharma, is a world-recognized expert on diabetic kidney disease and in translational research. He has led several landmark studies in diabetic kidney disease at a translational research level and has dedicated his career to developing new therapies for patients with chronic kidney disease. *


Period Start 2011-01-01 established
Product Industry  analytical services
Person Person Subramanian, Yesh (Clinical Metabolomics Inc 201310 CEO + Co-founder)
Region Region San Diego, CA
  Country United States (USA)
  Street 3210 Merryfield Row
  City 92121-1126 San Diego, CA
  Tel +1-858-242-4000
    Address record changed: 2020-12-02
Basic data Employees n. a.
    * Document for »About Section«: 
Record changed: 2023-07-10


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