
Picture EBD Group Biotech Showcase 2025 San Francisco BTS25 650x100px
Organisation › Details

Healex Systems Ltd., Europe

Healex, founded in 1992, is a worldwide provider of leading-edge software solutions with a proven record of developing and deploying solutions that provide rapid and significant ROI to their clients. Healex provides software solutions for supply chain management and collaboration, remote system management, workflow automation, and data collection, mining, and analysis. Healex Systems creates intuitive, powerful user interfaces and robust, scalable applications. *


Period Start 2013-10-17 existent
  Group Healex Systems (Group)
Products Industry software
  Industry 2 bioinformatics (biological software and databases)
  Street Beraghmore Road
North West Business Complex
  City BT48 8SE Derry, Londonderry
  Tel +44-2871-359106
    Address record changed: 2020-12-02
Basic data Employees n. a.
    * Document for »About Section«: 
Record changed: 2018-10-31


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