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Lipotype (Group)
Lipotype is a spin-off of the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics in Dresden, Germany, established in 2012 by Prof. Dr. Kai Simons. Lipotype’s mass spectrometry-based platform can be applied to analysis of all types of biological samples and covers the analysis of more than 4200 lipids - the broadest lipidomics coverage the market has to offer. The analysis is robust and reproducible, combining reliable quality control procedures with state-of-the-art data visualization and statistical analyses. Lipotype provides lipidomics analysis services under the mission of “Lipidomics for a better life” to pharmaceutical, medical, cosmetic, and food industry companies, but also academic customers from universities and research institutions. Customers of Lipotype benefit from accessing a globally unique team of molecular biologists, biostatisticians, physicians, biochemists, mass spectrometry specialists, and bioinformatics experts – all specialized in lipids and lipid metabolism research from experimental setup to biological interpretation. This team empowers R&D facilities and labs to quickly understand the complexity of lipid metabolism on a high level without committing to significant investments in instruments and specialist training. *
Start | 2012-04-19 splitoff | |
Predecessor | Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics (MPI-CBG, Dresden) | |
Industry | lipidomics | |
Industry 2 | mass spectrometry services (MS services) | |
Person | Uecke, Oliver (Lipotype GmbH 201410 Head Business Development + Finance) | |
Region | Dresden | |
Country | Germany | |
Street | 47 Tatzberg | |
City | 01307 Dresden | |
Tel | +49-351-796-5345 | |
Address record changed: 2022-12-15 | ||
Basic data | Employees | B: 11 to 50 (2017-09-07) |
* Document for »About Section«: Lipotype GmbH. (12/13/22). "Press Release: Lipotype, a Leading Lipidomics Service Provider, Launches US Subsidiary in Cambridge, Massachusetts". Cambridge, MA & Dresden. | ||
Record changed: 2024-12-29 |
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