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Medical University Innsbruck (MUI)

The Medical University of Innsbruck has approximately 2,000 employees and 3,000 students and, together with the University of Innsbruck, is not only the largest educational and research institution in western Austria, but also sees itself as the regional university for Tyrol, Vorarlberg, South Tyrol and Liechtenstein. The following courses are offered at the University: degree programmes in medicine and dentistry as the basis of an academic medical degree, and a doctoral degree (PhD) for the postgraduate intensification of scientific aspects. The degrees in medicine and dentistry can also be followed by an extra-occupational Clinical PhD. The bachelor's degree in molecular medicine has been in the curriculum since autumn 2011, and is exclusive to Austria. Since the winter semester 2014/15 a master’s degree in molecular medicine is also on offer. The Medical University of Innsbruck is involved in numerous international educational and research programmes and networks. Research focuses on the areas of infectious diseases, immunology and transplantation, neuroscience and oncology. At the intersections of these main fields is the research area genetics–epigenetics–genomics. In addition to scientific research, the Medical University of Innsbruck is also very successful in the highly competitive field of research funding, both nationally and internationally. *


Period Start 2009-06-10 existent
Products Industry medicine
  Industry 2 science
Region Region Innsbruck
  Country Austria
  Street 1 Christoph Probst Platz
  City 6020 Innsbruck
    Address record changed: 2020-12-02
Basic data Employees n. a.
    * Document for »About Section«: 
Record changed: 2024-12-29


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