
Picture Consultech GmbH Secure Funding with RnD Grants v7 650x100px
Organisation › Details

MediMass Kft.

The Company was launched in 2008 as a Semmelweis University related start-up to conduct research and development work based on the invention of scientist Dr. Zoltán Takáts. Akos Tallos together with 4 other individuals has been Mr Takats' committed partner in the venture right from the beginning. It was Ildiko Polgar and her company ValDeal who first committed to support the research, seeing both the exceptional talent of the young team as well as the outstanding potential of the invention. Attila Várkonyi via his investment vehicle Fastventures Zrt joined the shareholder group at a critical moment when his financial commitment was key for the continuation of the business. As a last financial investment round, Euroventures IV (JEREMIE co-investment fund) alongside its private co-investors Csaba Lantos and Miklos György agreed to join ValDeal and FastVentures in 2011 committing several rounds of equity financing in the range of €1-1.5m in order to take the project to the prototype phase when a strategic partner can be found to pursue with registration and respective commercial applications. The research leading to this success has also received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013 under grant agreement n°305940. The Company has been controlled and managed by the Founding Partners all along, investors providing strategic support via an Advisory Committee. *


Period Start 2008-01-01 splitoff
Period End 2014-07-22 assets sold
  Group Waters (Group)
  Today Waters Corporation (NYSE: WAT)
  Successor Waters Corporation (NYSE: WAT)
Products Industry mass spectrometry technology
  Industry 2 iKnife (Imperial College)
Persons Person Takáts, Zoltán (MediMass 2008– Founder + Professor at Imperial College London)
  Person 2 Tallos, Akos (MediMass 2008– Founder)
Region Region Budapest
  Country Hungary
  City n. a. Budapest
    Address record changed: 2020-12-02
Basic data Employees n. a.
    * Document for »About Section«: 
Record changed: 2023-07-10


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