Organisation › Details
PharmaNet (Group)
PharmaNet Development Group is a leading provider of support for drug discovery and pharmaceutical development and is one of the only clinical research organisations in the world to offer GLP-compliant GC-MS/MS services. It specialises in developing, validating and utilising assays in the development of new drug products by the pharmaceutical industry. In order to address its customers' complex scientific needs, the Company blends cutting-edge techniques, modern analytical instrumentation and effective, efficient, validated processes. *
Start | 2010-01-05 existent | |
Predecessor | SFBC International (Group) | |
Industry | mass spectrometry services (MS services) | |
Industry 2 | contract research (drugs) | |
Region | Princeton, NJ | |
Country | United States (USA) | |
Street | 504 Carnegie Center | |
City | 08540 Princeton, NJ | |
Tel | +1-609-951-6800 | |
Address record changed: 2020-12-02 | ||
Basic data | Employees | n. a. |
* Document for »About Section«: | ||
Record changed: 2023-07-10 |
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