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Organisation › Details

Sias AG

Sias AG is a leading OEM supplier of a wide range of modular and all-inclusive laboratory automation solutions. The company is one of the world's leading manufacturers in the liquid handling segment. Sias was founded in Hombrechtikon, Zurich, in the year 2000. Since 2011, Sias further strengthened its position as an innovative OEM supplier, including through the acquisition of Xiril AG in 2012. The company has around 80 employees and supplies customers in Europe, the USA and China. Sias' customers are primarily in the diagnostics and research sectors. *


Period Start 2000-01-01 established
  Group Tecan (Group)
Products Industry contract manufacturing (laboratory equipment and instruments)
  Industry 2 laboratory automation equipment
Person Person Guenter, Andre (Sias AG 201510 CEO)
  City n. a. Hombrechtikon ZH
    Address record changed: 2020-12-02
Basic data Employees C: 51 to 100 (2015-10-28)
  Currency CHF
  Annual sales 25,000,000 (sales (2015, expected FY) 2015-12-31)
    * Document for »About Section«: 
Record changed: 2023-07-10


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