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Organisation › Details

Spectro Scientific (US)

Spectro specializes in analytical instrumentation and software for industrial performance fluids analysis. It is one of the largest worldwide suppliers of oil and fuel analysis instruments to industry and the military worldwide. Industry clients include petrochemical, mining, power generation companies as well as commercial testing laboratories. Spectro's extensive product offerings include spectrometers for wear metal analysis, lubricant degradation and contamination analyzers, particle analysis instruments and complete turnkey systems for oil or fuel analysis laboratories, all managed by its SpectroTrack software platform. For more information, please visit Spectro Inc. is an investment of SFW Capital Partners (, the leading investor in analytical tools and related services companies. SFW is a specialized private equity firm that exclusively invests in analytical tools and related services businesses, where its 20+ years of knowledge of the relevant business models, technology, competitive dynamics and service requirements gives it confidence in its ability to support management teams in growing their companies and building value. *


Period Start 2014-04-15 renamed
  Group AMETEK (Group)
  Predecessor Spectro Inc.
Product Industry analytical instrument
Persons Person Mitchell, Brian (Spectro Scientific 201402 CEO)
  Person 2 Wopperer, Bob (Spectro Scientific 201402– VP Business Development before Thermo Fisher)
Region Region Chelmsford, MA
  Country United States (USA)
  Street One Executive Drive
Suite 101
  City 01824-2563 Chelmsford, MA
  Tel +1-978-486-0123
    Address record changed: 2020-12-02
Basic data Employees n. a.
  Currency USD
  Annual sales 50,000,000 (sales (2018) 2018-12-31)
    * Document for »About Section«: 
Record changed: 2023-07-10


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