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Stemina Biomarker Discovery Inc.
The Stemina research team, founded on research by Chief Scientific Officer Gabriela Cezar, D.V.M., Ph.D., Chief Scientific Officer, is focused on the discovery, development and commercialization of molecular biomarkers to improve drug safety and human health. Paul R. West, Ph.D., is the company's Director of BioAnalytical Chemistry. Stemina's cell based assays arise from the strategic convergence of two cutting edge technologies: human embryonic stem (hES) cells and metabolomics. Stemina uses Agilent mass spectrometry systems to analyze the small molecules secreted by hES cells, and differentiated cells such as heart and neural cells made from hES cells, in response to drugs, injury or disease. The company's research has made significant progress in metabolomic profiling of human embryonic stem cell response to dosing with pharmaceutical agents. The result of this work is "devTox(tm)", an assay to screen pharmaceutical agents for teratogenicity. Information about Stemina is available at *
Start | 2007-11-01 start | |
Industry | biomarker discovery services | |
Industry 2 | mass spectrometry services (MS services) | |
Region | Madison, WI | |
Country | United States (USA) | |
Street | 504 South Rosa Road Suite 150 | |
City | 53719 Madison, WI | |
Tel | +1-608-204-0104 | |
Address record changed: 2024-01-05 | ||
Basic data | Employees | n. a. |
* Document for »About Section«: | ||
Record changed: 2023-07-10 |
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