Organisation › Details
Strand Life Sciences (Group)
Strand Life Sciences -- Strand -- is a premier life science informatics innovation company. Strand leverages its core strengths and intellectual property in data mining, predictive modeling, bioinformatics and computational chemistry to develop products and solutions for drug discovery. Strand's products are built on the award-winning platform Avadis *
Start | 2005-09-01 renamed | |
Today | Strand Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd. | |
Predecessor | Strand Genomics Pvt. Ltd. | |
Industry | bioinformatics (biological software and databases) | |
Region | Bengaluru (Bangalore) | |
Country | India | |
Street | Bellary Road 5th Floor, Kirloskar Business Park, Hebbal | |
City | 560 024 Bangalore | |
Tel | +91-80-4078-7263 | |
Address record changed: 2020-12-02 | ||
Basic data | Employees | n. a. |
* Document for »About Section«: | ||
Record changed: 2024-08-24 |
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