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Abate, Emmanuel (Danaher 202210 President Genomic Medicine at Cytiva) President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division Danaher (Group) United Kingdom (GB)
Abbott, Mark (Peak Proteins 202204 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Sygnature Discovery (Group) United Kingdom (GB)
Abu-Rabie, Paul (GSK 201010 Principal Scientist Bioanalytical Science & Development GSK R&D UK) Researcher (industry) GSK (Group) United Kingdom (GB)
Acciarito, Tony (Thermo Fisher 201609 VP + General Manager Thermo Fisher South Korea) General Manager (management) Thermo Fisher (Group) Korea, Republic of
Achard, Bruno (JEOL 201501 CEO of JEOL (Europe) SAS) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) JEOL (Group) France
Acharya, Mukta (Tecan 202408– promoted to Head of Life Sciences Business joined 7/22 before Thermo Fisher + CVS Health) President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division Tecan (Group) Switzerland
Adams, Terry (Shimadzu 201406 VP Marketing at SSI) Sales Manager / Marketing Manager Shimadzu (Group) United States (USA)
Adelus, Benoît (Sebia 200802– before Eurofins EVP + bioMérieux CEO + Merial) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Sebia (Group) France
Admon, Arie (Technion 201008 Prof Dept of Biology + Head Smoler Proteomics Center) Professor Technion – Israel Institute of Technology Israel
Adomat, Jens (Analytik Jena 1990–201312 Deputy Chairman of Executive Management Board + Co-founder LEFT 12/13) Board member, executive Endress+Hauser (Group) Germany
Aebersold, Ruedi (ETH Zurich 2005c– Professor Systems Biology before Institute of Systems Biology Seattle) Professor ETH Zürich (ETHZ) Switzerland
Afonso, Carlos (Univ Rouen 201606) Laboratory Manager (industry) University of Rouen (Université de Rouen) France
Ahmad, Shidah (Agilent 201204 VP + General Manager) General Manager (management) Agilent (Group) United States (USA)
Ahmed, J. Omee (Alto Marketing 201512) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager Alto Marketing Ltd. United Kingdom (GB)
Ahuja, Parmeet (Agilent 201103 Country General Manager India) Regional manager Agilent Technologies Inc. (NYSE: A) India
Aigner, Ilse (Germany (govt) 201101 Minister BMELV) Minister Germany (govt) Germany
Aivaliotis, Michalis (FORTH 201202 IMBB-FORTH) n. a. FORTH (Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas) Greece
Akhlagi, Fatemah (Univ Rhode Island 201007 Assoc Prof Pharmacokinetics at School of Pharmacy) Assistant Professor / Associate Professor University of Rhode Island United States (USA)
Akhmedov, Murodzhon (BigOmics 202203 CEO + Co-Founder) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) BigOmics Analytics S.A. Switzerland
Al-Hashimi, Hashim M. (Univ Michigan 201304 Professor of Chemistry + Biophysics) Professor University of Michigan (U-M) United States (USA)
Albiez, Michael (Zeiss 202303 Head of Zeiss Research Microscopy Solutions) President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division Carl Zeiss (Group) Germany
Aleman, Keeley A. (Waters 201909– SVP General Counsel + Corp Secretary joined 2006 before Goowin Procter) General Counsel / Chief Legal Officer (CLO) Waters (Group) United States (USA)
Alexandrov, Theodore (EMBL 201410– Team Leader at EMBL Heidelberg before Univ Bremen) Researcher (university / research institute) EMBL (European Molecular Biology Laboratory) Germany
Alexanyan, Vladimir (Valtex 1982– Founder) Company Founder Valtex (Group) United States (USA)
Alici, Aysel (Caprotec 201210 Sales Manager) Sales Manager / Marketing Manager Caprotec Bioanalytics GmbH Germany
Allemond, Pierre (Protein Metrics 201510– VP European Sales before Biovia/Dassault Systèmes + Accelrys + Chemspeed) Sales Manager / Marketing Manager Insightful Science (Group) Switzerland
Allen, Chris (Broughton Laboratories 2011– Managing Director joind as Co-Founder 2006 before Sciantec Analytical) Managing Director Broughton Laboratories (GB) United Kingdom (GB)
Allen, Ronda (Agilent 202411 General Manager of Genomics) General Manager (management) Agilent (Group) United States (USA)
Allerberger, Franz (Austria (govt) 201005 Head Human Medicine Div of AGES) Professor Austria (govt) Austria
Allinson, John (Icon plc 201011 VP Biomarker Lab Services) n. a. Icon plc (Group) Ireland, Republic of
Allmaier, Günter (Vienna University of Techology 201104 Professor) Professor Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien) Austria
Allocca, Antonietta (Tecan 201611) Sales Manager / Marketing Manager Tecan (Group) Switzerland
Altenbach, H.-J. (Univ Wuppertal 201005 Professor) Professor University of Wuppertal Germany
Altendorf, Matthias (Endress+Hauser 202401– Supervisory Board Chair before CEO 2014–202312) Supervisory Board Member Endress+Hauser (Group) Switzerland
Altman, Andrew (Thermo Fisher 201003 Director Liquid Chromatography) Product Manager (personnel) Thermo Fisher (Group) United States (USA)
Alvarez, Sophie (Danforth Center 201007 Manager Proteomics & Mass Spec Facility) Head Mass Spectrometry / NMR Laboratory (university / research institute) Donald Danforth Plant Science Center (Danforth Center) United States (USA)
Amann, Anton (Medical Univ Innsbruck 201009 Professor) Professor Medical University Innsbruck (MUI) Austria
Amati, Luigi (Meta Group 201509 Investment Manager at Meta Ingenium) Investment Manager Meta Group (Group)
An, Hyun Joo (Chungnam National Univ 201112 Professor at GRAST) Professor Chungnam National University Korea, Republic of
Anacleto, Joe (Bruker 201312 VP of Market Development before AB SCIEX + Life Technologies) Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager Bruker (Group) United States (USA)
Anand, Ganesh Srinivasan (National Univ Singapore 201110 Assistant Prof + Laboratory Head Dept Biological Science) Assistant Professor / Associate Professor National University of Singapore (NUS) Singapore
Anand, Mala (SAP 201610– President Intelligent Enterprise Solutions + Industries before Cisco 2007– 2016) President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division SAP (Group) Germany
Anand, Prem (Shimadzu 201207 General Manager of Analytical Instruments Div at Shimadzu Asia Pacific) General Manager (management) Shimadzu (Asia Pacific) Pte. Ltd. (SAP) Singapore
Ancher-Jensen, Henrik (Agilent 201309– SVP + President of Agilent Order Fulfillment before Dako + Chr Hansen) President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division Agilent (Group) United States (USA)
Anderson, Andrew (ACD/Labs 201512– VP Business Development before PepsiCo + Symyx + ACD/Labs + Pfizer) Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager Advanced Chemistry Development (ACD/Labs) (Group) Canada
Anderson, Bonnie H. (PinkDx 202404 CEO + Co-Founder before Veracyte 201409 CEO + Co-Founder) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) PinkDx Inc. United States (USA)
Anderson, N. Leigh (Plasma Proteome Institute 200808 + SCISCAPA Assay Technologies) mass spectrometry (MS) Plasma Proteome Institute (PPI) United States (USA)
Anderson, Richard (Sciad Communications Co-founder before Bell-Pottinger + Founder of De Facto ) Managing Partner Sciad Communications Ltd. United Kingdom (GB)
Ando, Osamu (Shimadzu 201005 General Manager Analytical & Measuring Instruments Div) General Manager (management) Shimadzu (Group) Japan
Andréucci, Philippe (APIX 201302 VP Business Development + Co-founder) Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager Analytical Pixels Technology SAS (APIX) France
Ankerhold, Richard (Carl Zeiss 200905 Business Unit Manager) n. a. Carl Zeiss (Group) Germany
Antay, Pamela (Eurofins 201609 Head Corp Communication + IR) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager Eurofins (Group) Luxembourg
Antener, Mathias (Creoptix 202201 Head of Marketing) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager Spectris (Group) Switzerland
Anthony, Daniel (Univ Oxford 201703 Prof at Dept of Pharmacology + Head of Experimental Neuropathology Lab) Professor University of Oxford United Kingdom (GB)
Antoine, Lysta N. (Global Food Safety Partnership 201709 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Global Food Safety Partnership (GFSP)
Antonini, Mathieu (Axa 201109 Managing Director of Axa Private Equity) n. a. Ardian (Group) France
Antonopoulos, Konstantinos (mk2 Biotechnologies 201902 CEO + Founder) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) mk2 Biotechnologies GmbH Germany
Apicerno, Ken (Thermo Fisher 201003 Investor Relations) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager Thermo Fisher (Group) United States (USA)
Apostolodies, Zeno (SAAMS) n. a. South African Chemical Institute (SACI) South Africa
Apte, Arun (Premier Biosoft 201210 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Premier Biosoft (Group) United States (USA)
Apter, Jason (Sigma-Aldrich 201504 VP + Managing Director Asia Pacific) Managing Director Merck (DE) (Group) Singapore
Araya Callis, Carolina (Bruker 201912 Marketing Luxendo Business) General Manager (management) Bruker (Group) Germany
Armisén Gil, Pilar (Agarose Bead Technologies 201205 Manager Activated + Customised Resins) n. a. Agarose Bead Technologies S.L. (ABT) Spain (España)
Armstrong, Brian (bioMérieux 202203 SVP Clinical Operations North America) n. a. Mérieux (Group) United States (USA)
Armstrong, Daniel (Univ Texas at Arlington 201407 Professor of Chemistry) Professor University of Texas System United States (USA)
Armstrong, Patrick (Shimadzu 201406 Director SSI RnD Dept) Research & Development Manager Shimadzu (Group) United States (USA)
Arnold, Don (Danaher 201103 General Manager Eksigent) General Manager (management) Danaher (Group) United States (USA)
Arnold, Georg (Gene Center Munich 1993) n. a. LMU Munich (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, University of Munich) Germany
Arnold, Matthias (DASGIP AG 201201 CEO) Board member, executive Eppendorf (Group) Germany
Aron, Julien (Peak Scientific 201304– Territory Manager for France, Spain, Italy + Portugal) Regional manager Peak Scientific (Group) United Kingdom (GB)
Asa, Darwin (HighRes Biosolutions 201511– Marketing Manager before Waters + Bruker Corp + ESA + Tecan) Sales Manager / Marketing Manager HighRes Biosolutions Inc. United States (USA)
Asano, Marie (European Circular Bioeconomy Fund 202111 Princiap before HTGF 201902 Investment Manager) Principal (venture capital) ECBF (European Circular Bioeconomy Fund) (Group) Germany
Asara, John M. (Harvard Univ 200807 Director Mass Spec Core Facility Harvard Medical School) Head Mass Spectrometry / NMR Laboratory (university / research institute) Harvard University United States (USA)
Ashcroft, Alison E. (Univ Leeds 200907 Head Astbury Centre for Structural Molecular Biology) Head Mass Spectrometry / NMR Laboratory (university / research institute) University of Leeds United Kingdom (GB)
Ashman, Keith (CNIO 200806– Head Proteomics before APAF Director Mass Spec beforeMDS Sciex) Head Mass Spectrometry / NMR Laboratory (university / research institute) CNIO (Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas) Spain (España)
Aston, Francis William (*1877–+1945) Professor University of Cambridge United Kingdom (GB)
Attwood, Andrew (PerkinElmer 201404 VP/GM Environmental Health Europe) President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division PerkinElmer (Group) United Kingdom (GB)
Audet, Paula (Bruker 201205 Marketing Communications Specialist) Sales Manager / Marketing Manager Bruker (Group) United States (USA)
Augsburger, Marc (CURML-UTCF 201005 Operational Manager) n. a. University of Lausanne (UNIL) Switzerland
Aurore, Sergeant (Mérieux 201302– Head of Corporate Communications at bioMérieux joined 4/11) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager Mérieux (Group) France
Ausserer, Walter (Cell Biosciences 201004 VP Marketing) Sales Manager / Marketing Manager ProteinSimple (Group) United States (USA)
Autier, Valérie (Metabrain Research 200903– CEO + Co-Founder) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Metabrain Research SAS France
Avagyan, Lilit (Knauer 202012 Business Development Manager) Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager Knauer (Group) Germany
Avery, Paul (BioStrata 201404– Managing Director before Chempetitive UK + Alto Marketing) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager Supreme Optimization (Group) United Kingdom (GB)
Ax, Oliver (ACD/Labs 200909– Account Manager Advanced Chemistry Development Germany GmbH) Sales Manager / Marketing Manager Advanced Chemistry Development (ACD/Labs) (Group) Germany
Axelson, Dodi (Danaher 202210 Head of Communciations at Cytiva) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager Danaher (Group) United Kingdom (GB)
Ayache, André (Waters 201211 VP + General Manager European Operations at Waters Division) General Manager (management) Waters (Group) France
Aygen, Sitke (INFAI GmbH 201309 Managing Director) Managing Director INFAI Institut für biomedizinische Analytic und NMR Imaging GmbH Germany
Azam, Farzana (Danaher 201701 Senior Director Pharma/CRO Business at Sciex) President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division Danaher (Group) United States (USA)
Baaske, Philipp (NanoTemper 201410 Managing Director + Co-founder) Managing Director NanoTemper (Group) Germany
Bache, Nicolai (Evosep 201803 Head of Applications) Technical Manager Evosep ApS Denmark
Bachmann, Thomas (Eppendorf 201508–201911 CEO before Pesident of Bruker BioSpin Group + Tecan CEO LEFT 12/19) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Eppendorf (Group) Germany
Bader, Bret (Advance Nanotech 200906 CEO of Owlstone Nanotech Inc) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Owlstone (Group) United States (USA)
Badger, Stephen (Blue Scientific 2013 Founder before Bruker + Veeco) Company Founder Blue Scientific Ltd. United Kingdom (GB)
Baessmann, Carsten (Bruker 201206 Head Applications Developm LC-MS at Bruker Daltonik GmbH) n. a. Bruker (Group) Germany
Bagshaw, Seth H. (MKS Instruments 201503 CFO) Chief Financial Officer (CFO) MKS Instruments (Group) United States (USA)
Baguenault, Michel (Mérieux 201608 Secretary General at bioMérieux) n. a. Mérieux (Group) France
Bagwell, Bruce (Verity Software House 201804 President) President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division Verity Software House
Baillou, Johannes (Merck (DE) 201401– Chairman of Board of Partners E Merck KG) Supervisory Board Merck (DE) (Group) Germany
Bainbridge, Kenneth Tompkins (*1904–+1996) n. a. Harvard University United States (USA)
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