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Brian Musselman (IonSense Inc.)

Musselman, Brian (IonSense 202106– CTO before CEO)


Organisation Organisation IonSense Inc.
  Group Bruker (Group)
Products Product DART™ ion source (Direct Analysis in Real Time ion source)
  Product 2 mass spectrometry (MS)

IonSense, Inc.. (6/3/21). "Press Release: IonSense Appoints Jeff Zonderman as CEO as It Expands Its Direct Analysis Mass Spectrometry Technology to New Platforms". Saugus, MA.

Moving DART® technology from the lab into production and the field

IonSense (Saugus, MA), a leading provider of Open Air/Ambient Ionization sources, systems and integrated solutions for the $5B Mass Spectrometry marketplace, is pleased to announce the appointment of Jeffrey Zonderman as President and Chief Executive Officer. The appointment is key to the company’s strategy for accelerated growth in applied markets including forensic and security applications.

Mr Zonderman brings experience gained from commercializing disruptive technologies at early-stage ventures including RedShift Bioanalytics and Cohesive Technologies, as well as major instrument manufacturers including Thermo Fisher Scientific and Waters Corporation.

“Mass Spec is finally catching up with IonSense’s DART”, comments Jeff Zonderman. “The inherent limitations of traditional LC/MS have held scientists back from utilizing the rapid screening capability of DART and its enablement of “Swab and Detect” workflows. Increased performance at a lower cost expands the realm of what’s historically been possible by mass spec instrumentation. It is a privilege to have the opportunity to join the IonSense team at such an exciting time”.

“We are thrilled Jeff has joined IonSense as his experience positions him well to lead the company and achieve our strategic vision,” said Bob Linke, Executive Chairman of the Board. “I’d also like to thank Dr. Brian Musselman whose contributions in founding and leading the company to establish the DART technology in labs around the world have been tremendous. We are pleased to announce Dr. Musselman will take on the newly created role as IonSense’s Chief Technology Officer to guide proprietary DART technology through its next stage of growth outside the central lab. Brian’s vision will continue to play a key role developing IonSense’s technologies to achieve our strategic goals.”

DART analyses a broad variety of analytes in their native form, arming analytical chemists with the means to rapidly identify samples, including many that don’t ionize well using other methods such as LC-MS. As an open-air ionization source, DART requires no sample preparation. It provides immediate answers, boosting efficiency of analysis. DART’s real-time operation and versatility toward analytes give users the ability to rapidly identify unknown compounds, to explore new applications, and to accelerate research.

To find out more about the DART system, please visit or contact the company at

About IonSense Corporation (

IonSense Inc., established in 2005, is the leading provider of Open Air/Ambient Ionization sources, systems and integrated solutions for the $5B MassSpectrometry marketplace. Headquartered in Saugus, MA the company manufactures, sells and markets the DART® (Direct Analysis in Real Time) ionization source, the first open air ionization product to be patented and sold commercially.

IONSENSE is a trademark of IonSense, Inc.
DART is a trademark of JEOL USA.

IonSense, Inc.
999 Broadway, Suite 404,
Saugus, MA 01906
Phone 1.781.231.1739
Fax 1.781.207.9168

Claire England, Covalent Bonds

Record changed: 2021-07-20


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