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Suzhou Hybiome Biomedical Engineering Co. Ltd.

Suzhou Hybiome Biomedical Engineering Co.Ltd has been founded in 2009 and is based in Suzhou (China), Hybiome is specialized in automated immunoassay tests. The company develops, manufactures and markets a complete range of diagnostic solutions (reagents, instruments and software) cleared by the China Food and Drug Administration (CFDA). Hybiome markets two automated, mid-throughput immunoassay systems (AE-180 and AE-240) using the latest generation CLIA1 technology and featuring a menu of nearly 80 parameters. Hybiome also recently received CFDA clearance for the AE-120 system, to further increase access to its menu of assays. Hybiome’s installed base has about 1,000 active instruments that are used primarily in medium-size hospitals (100 to 500 beds), known as Grade 2 facilities. In China, the immunoassay market represents around €2 billion and reports growth of about 20-25%. It has witnessed the increasingly important role of local suppliers, especially within the Grade 2 hospital segment. Hybiome employs around 300 people, including close to 80 employees in R&D. The company has both manufacturing facilities and research laboratories, with plans for expansion within the Suzhou Industrial-Medical Park. It expects to exceed 20 million euros in sales in 2018, a sharp increase over 2017. *


Period Start 2009-01-01 established
  Group Mérieux (Group)
Product Industry  molecular diagnostics
Persons Person Dong, Jianhua (Hybiome (CN) 2009– Founder + Chairman)
  Person 2 Boulud, Pierre (Mérieux 202310 CEO of bioMèrieux joined 11/16 before Ipsen + Boston Consulting + Bossard Consultants)
Region Region Suzhou
  Country China
  Street Jinfeng Road
Block 4, No. 8
  City Suzhou
  Tel +86-512-66895311
    Address record changed: 2020-12-02
Basic data Employees D: 101 to 500 (2018-11-09)
  Currency EUR
  Annual sales 20,000,000 (sales, annual, expected (2018) 2018-12-31)
    * Document for »About Section«: 
Record changed: 2024-08-24


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