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LabCorp (Group)
Laboratory Corporation of America(R) Holdings, a S&P 500 company, is a pioneer in commercializing new diagnostic technologies and the first in its industry to embrace genomic testing. With annual revenues of $4.1 billion in 2007, over 26,000 employees nationwide, and more than 220,000 clients, LabCorp offers clinical assays ranging from routine blood analyses to HIV and genomic testing. LabCorp combines its expertise in innovative clinical testing technology with its Centers of Excellence: The Center for Molecular Biology and Pathology, National Genetics Institute, Inc., ViroMed Laboratories, Inc., The Center for Esoteric Testing, Litholink Corporation, DIANON Systems, Inc., US LABS, and Esoterix and its Colorado Coagulation, Endocrine Sciences, and Cytometry Associates laboratories. LabCorp conducts clinical trial testing through its Esoterix Clinical Trials Services division. LabCorp clients include physicians, government agencies, managed care organizations, hospitals, clinical labs, and pharmaceutical companies. *
Start | 2004-12-14 existent | |
Industry | diagnostic services | |
Industry 2 | drug development services | |
Street | 358 South Main Street | |
City | 27215 Burlington, MA | |
Tel | +1-336-229-1127 | |
Address record changed: 2020-12-02 | ||
Basic data | Employees | I: 50,001 to 100,0 (2020-03-23) |
Currency | USD | |
Annual sales | 11,554,800,000 (revenues, consolidated (2019) 2019-12-31) | |
Profit | 824,900,000 (2019-12-31) | |
Cash | 337,500,000 (2019-12-31) | |
* Document for »About Section«: | ||
Record changed: 2023-07-10 |
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